hahadsg's note

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Neo4j browser config

显示node数上限:config initialNodeDisplay: 1000

Neo4j browser trick

  • 将图片缩小


    <g transform="translate(0,0)scale(0.1)">...</g>


  • load csv
load csv with headers from "file:///file.csv" as row
merge (a:Person {attr: row.from_node})
merge (b:Person {attr: row.to_node})
merge (a)-[:Edge {attr: row.edge}]->(b)
  • show all
match p=(a)-[r]-(b)
return p


  • cluster coefficient
match (u1:User)-[:InteractsWith]-(u2:User)
with u1, collect(distinct u2.id) as neighbors
match (a), (b)
where a.id in neighbors and b.id in neighbors
with u1, length(neighbors) * (length(neighbors) - 1) as total_num
    , sum(case when (a)-[:InteractsWith]->(b) then 1 else 0 end) as link_num
with u1, link_num * 1.0 / total_num as cluster_coef, link_num, total_num
order by cluster_coef desc
return u1.id, cluster_coef, link_num, total_num